Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nashville - Final Thoughts

- Overall, Nashville was an interesting stop, with plenty to do and see. If you haven't been to Nashville, you should go. 

- I visited The Hermitage, President Andrew Jackson's estate (he's on the twenty dollar bill) If you are interested in history (or Marketing, Communications and Public Relations for that matter) you can see how they tell the story of a very important man in our nation's history.  His principles and his election as president changed American democracy into what we recognize it to be today.  He is also the President most responsible for the decimation of the native peoples who lived in America before our ancestors arrived.  And it was largely his actions that created the disastrous system we have today, of Indian reservations, dependency, addiction, despondency, sadness and pain for generations of people imprisoned on them. (spoiler alert, they did a pretty good job of it)

- Don't stay at the Drake Inn "Where the Stars Stay!" The best thing about it is the large neon sign in front.  Otherwise, it's a rundown motel, deceptively selling itself as a classic.  
However, if you are willing to stay up all night to ensure a swift departure at day break, you will feel better about your own lot in life, considering the other poor souls you'll encounter there. 
Like this one guy, who referred to himself and his lady as a couple of "swingers" when asking me for money to have sex with the girlfriend... That's not swinging.  But, I didn't have the heart to correct his vocabulary.  And, "swinger" is certainly less offensive than "prostitute" when talking about your girlfriend.  And,  to bring it up might embarrass her. I'm sure she doesn't know that her best feature, according to him, and the only selling point he stressed in his pitch, was that "She will be real quiet."  (clearly he doesn't know me)

- Anyway, Nashville was my first use of "Air B&B".  The jury is out still on that experience for me.  I'll let you know after a few more times, in other areas, with other hosts, if I can recommend it's use, or not.


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